ADHD Evaluations

Many individuals experience periods of inattention, restlessness, or difficulty managing multiple demands; however, for some individuals, these difficulties with attention, activity level, impulse control, organization, planning, and time management reflect a lifelong pattern of behavior that greatly impairs their functioning. An evaluation with a professional can help determine if this is due to underlying Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Armed with this knowledge, an appropriate treatment plan can be created.

Following an initial consultation ($300), which can be done by telehealth, the ADHD evaluation typically involves 3-4 hours of in-person testing. The patient and others who know him or her well will be asked to complete some questionnaires. Results of the evaluation are then discussed in a feedback session and documented in a written report. 

For adults (ages 19+): After the consultation, the evaluation fee is $2200. 

For school-aged children (ages 5-18): After the consultation, the evaluation fee is $3500. 

To secure a testing date at Comprehensive Neuropsychology Services, a $500 nonrefundable deposit is required. This deposit will be applied toward the total amount due. See Patient Policies for more details.

Click here to contact Dr. Baum or to schedule your initial consultation.